A Personal Note from Ms Piggie
I would just like to take a few minutes of your time to introduce myself. My name is Sue Meindertsma and all of you who know me (or have heard about me!) realize that there are few people that love a good time more than myself. I also love to see other folks have a great time; so a few years ago while helping roast a couple hogs, I decided this was the business for me … roastin’ hogs, renting roasters and generally helping folks plan and enjoy their own backyard bash!!
As luck would have, it my little Hog Roastin’ adventure grew right from the start. I was constantly asked if I offered any side dishes, and so beginning in 2000, I started offering a few of my homemade recipes. Now I would like to take the credit for being a naturally good cook, but I was always taught to give credit where credit is due. I was fortunate to have sampled and observed the creations of two of the most inventive cooks that I have met. Mary De Vos & Lonnie Brizzolara taught me that it was ok to “play with your food”, and to that end I have produced some very popular recipes and meat seasonings. I also owe my family, friends, co-worker’s & neighbor’s a ton of thanks and gratitude for enduring many “test” runs of these recipes. These folks have helped me so much by sacrificing their diets (and hopefully not their taste buds!!), in helping me achieve the success that I have enjoyed thus far.
My primary goal is to establish Ms Piggie’s BBQ as the premier On Site Catering Company in the area, while maintaining uncompromising principles as my company grows.
The following principles will be instrumental in decisions regarding the continued growth of Ms Piggie’s BBQ:
• Provide the customer with consistent quality, delicious food and service second to none.
• Preserve integrity, not only my own, but also the integrity of all my associates. Provide a superior work environment, and treat each associate with dignity and respect. Remembering that dedicated, loyal personnel are the key to my success.
• Contribute a portion of the blessings received from my business back to the community, specifically the youth of our community… our future!!
WOW What a great day it was! Of course the BBQ was pure perfection & the bikers loved it (we sold-out glad I bumped the order). Take care & Thanks again! -Pat
Pig Roast History

No one is quite sure of the exact date of the first hog roast. My best guess would be about the same time our ancestors discovered beer.
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