How to Plan Your Own Pig Roast
If you are the "Do-it-Yourself" type, these suggestions will help ensure that your party is a success:
Figure 1 pound of pork for each guest (if pork is the main entree)
Arrange for at least 3 people to help put the pig in the basket and take it off
Get 3 or 4 people to help cut up the hog. Meat is very hot - extra people can rotate and cut down on burnt fingers
Items you will need for your pig roast:
3 or 4 sharp knives
Aprons for "carvers"
Plastic cutting boards
Large electric roasters (185-200 pound hog fills 2)
White utility gloves for carvers
Latex surgical gloves (to wear under white gloves)
New hack saw to cut legs off pig
Large garbage bags & cans for carcass
Aluminum foil
Meat thermometer (2 degree increments)
Properly cooking a hog is a time consuming task. Figure on 10-12 hours for a 125-150 pound hog, 12-14 hours for a 150-200 pound hog. Pork should be cooked to at least 170 degrees (in the front shoulder). The roaster should be checked occasionally for proper temperature, so it must not be left unattended.
After pig is cooked you can figure about an hour to cut up the hog. The most important part of cutting up the hog is having a clean area to work. I recommend pushing the roaster into a garage and closing the door after cooking. This will cut down on the insects and the airborne contaminants. I suggest plugging in the electric roaster and pre-heating it before cutting up the pig (remember to avoid bacteria growth meat temperature after cooking should be held at 150 degrees).
Tightly bag carcass and skin (I recommend double bagging) and place in garbage can and cover. This will greatly reduce the fly population at your party.
The most important thing is to make it fun!! If all this seems like more than you want to tackle... remember that we can plan your whole party. Contact us with any questions or party needs.
That was the best team meal we had this year!! -Coopersville Broncos Football Team
Pig Roast History

No one is quite sure of the exact date of the first hog roast. My best guess would be about the same time our ancestors discovered beer.
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